Sunday, July 31, 2011


Most Baby Boomers won't admit to being old.  We're in denial.  We believe that we've got a lot of years left.  So, if we're old already; we'll be old for a long time.

Let's examine the facts.  When you run into classmates from high school, do you think to yourself, "damn, he/she sure looks old?"  If you went to a class reunion recently, you know what I mean.  Of course, some of those folks started looking old at the 10 year reunion.  We're now at what?-the 30 to 45 year reunion.  Ha!  Those folks look old.  But when you look in the mirror, you don't look old like they do.


OK, so you still look pretty good.  What about trouble remembering things, especially names?  It's crazy when my sisters and mother get together.  We sit around talking and hinting at what we are trying to say or who we are talking about because names don't come so easy anymore.  I daresay mom is sharper than the rest of us.  I find that Ginkgo works wonders.


What about energy?  Is it more than a notion to walk far or think about an onerous task?  When you go out, do you just want to get back home?  Have you given up a lot of the activities you used to love?  Like ice skating, riding your bike, playing basketball, skiing, dancing?

Do you feel like your brain is fried and your skills have lapsed?  Do you feel yourself going downhill slowly? Do you just feel old?  Do you think, "wow, I'm not as far from 90 as I used to be".  Yet, a lot of years remain.

Maybe we really are old.   But not that old.  We need to turn this buggy around.  And quick! A one a day multiple vitamin is a must.  So is some form of regular exercise.  Get some hobbies.  Write a blog.  Start a business.  Volunteer to help others.  Do whatever it takes to give yourself the zest you need to feel young again.


Anyway, we have other more pressing matters to worry about than our vanity about getting old.  According to a recent article on obesity, Baby Boomers are fatter then folks who are younger and older. That fact makes us more prone to heart attack and diabetes.  So it's not being old that we need to worry about.  Getting older is something we can't do anything about.  We can, however, do something about being so fat.

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