Monday, June 27, 2011


Physicist Stephen Hawking, cosmologist and Britain's most eminent scientist recently stated that he has concluded that there is no such thing as God.  He went on to suggest that we should live our lives to the fullest now because this life is probably all there is.

Well!  Ponder that.  It makes sense that we should stop deluding ourselves.  But, I don't know.  Most of us just want to believe that there is something else.  Something more.  Something bigger. We want someone to figure out how all of this came to be. Maybe Dr. Hawking was just tired of thinking about it. I'm sure we've all tried to connect the dots.  It's just mind-boggling.

Of course if we do live our lives as if this is all there is - what's the point of that?  Should we just stop looking for answers?  And what about the non-physical part of our existence?  What about our minds, our thoughts, our dreams?  Where does that come from and how did thought get attached to our physical beings?

I am not a religious person by any means.  In fact, I am one of the legions of lapsed Catholics populating the world today.  I should say angry, lapsed Catholics.  I don't know that I've heard of a lapsed one of any other kind of religion.

Sorry, I digress.  But, I'm not buying what you're selling---Stephen Hawking.  We still need to figure this out.
But, just in case he's right, I promise to remember to live as though this is all there is.  However, I want my heaven.

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