Thursday, December 16, 2010


Isn't life just better when you have purpose? I don't necessarily mean the kind of purpose you search for to explain your existence. I'm talking about purpose for getting up in the morning, purpose for living, purpose for looking forward, purpose for trying, purpose for expecting good things to happen. This is purpose you choose because it makes you happy or at least makes you feel good about yourself.

Figuring out what gives you purpose is especially tricky when you become the age of us baby boomers. For the most part, we have already gotten all the formal education we will get in this lifetime. We have already had, or not had, children and have given raising them our best shot. We have had jobs, careers, businesses, made and lost money, travelled. We have pretty much been there and done that. We may not be ready to retire, but we are ready to do something else.

But what? What will give you purpose? I bet if you look inside, you can find it. The purpose you find will impact your happiness. It will impact your outlook on life. It will freshen your vitality and make you a joy to be around. You have now lived long enough to know what you have to give and have experienced a few things that made you happy. Make use of that information. What do you like to do? What makes you happy? What is fulfilling? Make a list.

Your purpose can be simple-such as smiling when you go out for the purpose of getting a smile back. Your purpose can be something greater-such as helping others. You can volunteer, start a business or create a foundation with purpose in mind.

But you don't need big purpose to get the satisfaction you seek. Start with something small and keep piling on. But you need enough, often enough, to keep your fires burning. Just existing or being available is not purpose, now is it? Don't fool yourself. Now, get to skipping!

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