Friday, August 27, 2010


Can you feel that second wind blowing? Blowing you in new directions. Blowing you toward new adventures. Blowing you to make it happen. Blowing you to maintain your zest, your health, your mind and your desire to dream and to fulfill those dreams. Stop now. Close your eyes. Do you feel it?

Let's reflect. What were the dreams of your youth? Did you live them? Did you want to be a model, an artist, a doctor, an astronaut, a movie star, a rock star, a fireman, an adventurer on the high seas, a teacher, a scientist, president, professional athlete, dancer, world traveler, Olympic gold medalist, tv news anchor, best selling author, Supreme Court Justice, circus performer, architect, business owner, preacher or just to be rich? Did you do it? Was it what you expected? Did you meet a remarkable spouse, have healthy kids and are you now navigating boomerdom together? I hope so.

But, maybe your dreams didn't happen for you. Maybe you got sidetracked by misfortune or circumstance. Maybe you decided to play it safe and got a good government job. Maybe your dream wasn't what you had anticipated or everything you hoped for. OK, so you've been there and done that. Now what?

Hopefully, you're not one of those bitter boomers who is now thoroughly disappointed with the life you've lived. You've seen them. Sullen and sulky with the look of a deer in the headlights because the spouse, the kids, the job, the life didn't quite work out as planned. So what? Shit happens. Let it go. Get rid of whatever is weighing you down.

Now that you are in your boomer years, it's time to dream new dreams. Want to learn to play an instrument, ride a horse, skydive, paint, dance, smile, laugh? Do it. Want to be a triathlete? Dust off your bike, dig out your swimsuit and put on your running shoes. Want to coach little league or basketball? Someone needs you. Want to be a pole dancer or reality tv star? It's all the rage. You still could hit the lottery. So dream lots of dreams.

The second wind is blowing.

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